Are you wondering how and where to sell feet pics?

You’re in the right place! We’ve explored the best platforms and methods for you, curating the ultimate guide to selling feet pics.

Where To Sell Feet Pics:

The best platform to sell feet pics is FeetFinder. They are the largest dedicated platform for selling feet pics and have over 5,000 5-star reviews on Trustpilot. FeetFinder has a lot of buyers compared to sellers, which makes it easy for new sellers to make their first sales.

>>> Get Started On FeetFinder <<<

To sell on FeetFinder, you must be at least 18 years old and pass an identity check. This helps guarantee that only genuine sellers use the platform. All submitted details remain private and are never shared with anyone.

FeetFinder charges a monthly seller fee of $4.99 or $1.25 per month if you choose the annual plan. Despite this charge, you’ll keep 80% of your income, a rate competitive with OnlyFans and superior to most other feet picture sites.

The monthly fee maintains a healthy buyer-to-seller ratio by limiting the number of sellers.

This is what makes FeetFinder the best platform to sell feet pics for beginners. They have a much better buyer-to-seller ratio compared to other platforms, making it easy for new sellers to sell feet pics.

FeetFinder also handles all transactions for sellers, a benefit not commonly found on other platforms. This practice not only ensures seller anonymity but also guarantees data security through PCI compliance.

Before buyers can message or buy content, they must enter their card information, creating a scam-free environment for sellers.

Unlike most feet picture platforms that only process payouts monthly, FeetFinder allows sellers to request payouts anytime, as long as they have accumulated a minimum balance of $30.

>>> Sign Up For FeetFinder <<<

13 Best Websites To Sell Feet Pics:

Here are the 13 best platforms to sell feet pics on:

  1. FeetFinder (Recommended)
  2. OnlyFans
  3. Instagram
  4. Reddit
  5. Twitter
  6. Patreon
  7. Etsy
  8. Your own website
  9. Foap
  10. Craigslist
  11. Unsplash
  12. Shutterstock
  13. Tinder

1. FeetFinder (Recommended)

FeetFinder is the easiest, most secure, and best platform to sell feet pics.

They have an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot with over 5000 5-star reviews.

One of the significant advantages of selling on FeetFinder, as opposed to other platforms like OnlyFans or Instagram, is that FeetFinder actively promotes your profile and attracts buyers to you.

On OnlyFans or Instagram, it can be quite challenging to get started without a large social media following. However, FeetFinder invests significantly in advertising to bring in new buyers. This, coupled with the fact that FeetFinder charges a monthly seller fee, creates a better balance between buyers and sellers compared to other platforms. There are fewer sellers and more buyers on FeetFinder, making it a favorable environment for sellers.

Outlook and KnowledgeEager have published in-depth FeetFinder reviews.

How To Get Started Selling Feet Pics On FeetFinder:

  1. Sign up for a FeetFinder account.
  2. Submit your ID for verification.
  3. Wait for 24-48 hours for your account to be approved.
  4. Sign up for a seller plan ($4.99 monthly or $14.99 annually).
  5. Optimize your profile by including keywords in your bio.
  6. Upload 10-15 feet pics.
  7. Communicate with potential buyers.
  8. Sell your feet pics.
  9. Request your first payout once you have reached a $30 balance.

>>> Try FeetFinder <<<

2. OnlyFans

OnlyFans is a popular platform for selling feet pics, but it does come with a few drawbacks since the platform isn’t specifically designed for selling feet pics.

One of the main drawbacks of OnlyFans is that it’s quite challenging for new sellers to attract their first buyers. OnlyFans doesn’t actively market your content, so unless you already have a large social media following, it can be difficult to gain initial customers. On the other hand, FeetFinder takes care of marketing your profile and conducts advertising on your behalf, which means customers come directly to you.

Another issue that many feet pic sellers have reported on OnlyFans is that once they find buyers, those buyers often expect more than just feet pics. If you’re not comfortable with providing additional content, we wouldn’t recommend selling feet pics on OnlyFans.

Furthermore, due to the increasing popularity of OnlyFans in recent years, the market has become highly saturated and competitive. This saturation makes it even more challenging for new sellers to establish themselves.

While OnlyFans can still be a viable option for selling feet pics, we highly recommend choosing FeetFinder over OnlyFans for selling feet pics.

3. Instagram

Instagram is another popular platform for selling feet pics, especially favored by new sellers due to its 100% free nature.

There is indeed a significant market for feet pics on Instagram.

However, it’s important to note that there are numerous reports of scammers operating on Instagram. These scammers either refuse to pay or perform chargebacks once they receive the content.

Another major issue when selling feet pics on Instagram is that sellers are responsible for handling payments on their own. If sellers use payment processing apps like PayPal, it is relatively easy for buyers to uncover the real identity of the sellers. By claiming a fraudulent charge and seeking assistance from PayPal or their bank, buyers can potentially expose at least some of the sellers’ personal information.

Pros And Cons Of Selling Feet Pics On Instagram


  • Instagram does not take any percentage from your earnings.
  • It offers a wide exposure to a large user base.
  • The platform is 100% free to use.


  • There is a significant presence of scams on Instagram.
  • It can be challenging for new sellers to find legitimate buyers.
  • If you use payment processing apps like PayPal, it is relatively easy for buyers to uncover your real identity.
  • Getting started on Instagram without a substantial social media following can be difficult.

We recommend FeetFinder over Instagram for selling feet pics due to several reasons. FeetFinder requires all buyers to provide a credit card during sign-up, which helps prevent scams. Additionally, FeetFinder handles all payments on your behalf, ensuring that you can remain completely anonymous.

However, we do suggest utilizing Instagram to take advantage of its extensive exposure. You can post feet pics on Instagram and then redirect interested buyers to your FeetFinder profile when they express their intention to purchase.

Here’s a Trustpilot review of FeetFinder:

>>> Get Started On FeetFinder <<<

How To Choose A Platform To Sell Feet Pics: 

When selecting a platform to sell feet pics, it’s crucial to consider a few important factors. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

1. Buyer-to-Seller Ratio: Look for a platform that maintains a healthy balance between buyers and sellers. Avoid platforms that are saturated with sellers but lack sufficient buyers. This ensures a better chance of attracting potential customers.

2. Anonymity: Prioritize platforms that allow you to maintain your anonymity. Selling feet pics involves sharing personal content, so it’s important to safeguard your identity. Ensure the platform respects your privacy and provides options for anonymous transactions.

3. Payment and Chargebacks: Consider choosing a platform that handles payments on your behalf and manages chargebacks. Dealing with payment-related issues and fraudulent transactions can be challenging for individual sellers. A platform that assists in this process can save you time and effort.

4. Buyer Verification: It’s advisable to select a platform that implements buyer verification measures. This could include requiring buyers to provide their credit card information during sign-up or undergoing an authentication process. Such checks help ensure the presence of genuine buyers on the platform.

We highly recommend FeetFinder as the best platform for selling feet pictures. It has more buyers than sellers, which means it’s easier for new sellers to find customers. You can stay anonymous while using the platform, and they handle all the payment processing and chargebacks for you. Moreover, FeetFinder ensures the legitimacy of its users by asking them to provide their credit card information during signup, ensuring that only genuine buyers join the platform.

How To Sell Feet Pics:

  1. Choose A Platform: The first step in selling feet pictures is to choose a platform on which to sell them. We highly recommend FeetFinder as it is the largest, easiest, and most secure place to sell feet pictures. FeetFinder advertises your profile for you, so you don’t have to have a large social media following to get started. They have over 5,000 5-star reviews on Trustpilot, with an average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars.
  2. Upload high-quality pictures: Upload at least 10-15 high-quality pictures to pique the interest of potential buyers. You don’t need professional camera equipment for this; your smartphone camera will be enough. Make sure the images are well-framed and avoid cropping them into unusual formats.
  3. Use descriptive titles and descriptions: Try to be as descriptive as possible when writing titles and descriptions for your feet pics. This allows your content to be found when buyers search for keywords. Don’t use generic descriptions like “soles”; use descriptive and unique descriptions like “Blonde girl rubbing lotion over soft soles.”
  4. Set prices for your feet pics: When starting out, it’s best to be realistic and start off with cheaper prices. Begin by offering cheaper options around $5 and a few more expensive options, such as $15 or more.
  5. Communicate with buyers: Log in to your account multiple times a day and chat with buyers to build relationships with them. Set clear boundaries but be friendly and engaging in your conversations.

AttentionAlways has published an in-depth guide on how to sell feet pics.

>>> Get Started On FeetFinder <<<

How To Sell Feet Pics Without Getting Scammed?

Choosing a secure platform to sell your feet pictures is the first and most crucial step to prevent getting scammed.

FeetFinder is an excellent choice because they handle payments and chargebacks, eliminating many risks associated with managing transactions yourself.

If you opt to process payments personally via PayPal or other tools, you leave yourself vulnerable. It’s relatively easy for buyers to initiate chargebacks, potentially leaving you without payment for your content. Furthermore, these methods could inadvertently reveal your real name and address to buyers, posing a serious risk to your safety and privacy.

How Much Can You Make Selling Feet Pics?

There’s no limit to how much you can make selling feet pics. One seller reportedly made over $22,000 in one month on FeetFinder by selling feet pics. Many others are reporting making a decent income.

However, it’s important to have realistic expectations when starting out. It will take some time to build a customer base and generate a decent income.

A realistic income expectation for the first month would be anything between $0 and $100, in our estimation. However, once you build a pool of buyers, making $1,000 or more per month isn’t out of reach.

Here’s a Trustpilot review of FeetFinder:

>>> Try FeetFinder <<<

How Much Can You Charge For Feet Pics?

Setting the right price for your feet pictures can be a bit tricky when starting out. A smart approach is to post a few teasing pictures for free on your profile. This not only lures potential buyers but also gives them a glimpse of what to expect.

Initially, pricing your feet pics and albums between $5 and $10 is a good idea.

At the same time, consider setting a higher price tag of $15 to $20 on some of your pictures. This strategy allows you to test the market and see if buyers are willing to pay more. If the higher-priced pictures sell, you can confidently adjust your standard prices to this level.

As you build a loyal customer base, you’ll have the opportunity to gradually raise your prices. Remember, the key is to start low, test the waters, and then incrementally increase the price as you grow your presence in the market.

Is It Dangerous To Sell Feet Pics?

No, selling feet pictures isn’t generally dangerous.

However, you should take some steps to ensure your safety. Use a reputable platform like FeetFinder, which requires buyers to add their card details when signing up, ensuring that only genuine buyers are on the platform. FeetFinder, a US-based business, manages all payments for you and adheres to PCI compliance for data security.

To stay safe, aim to remain anonymous and avoid sharing personal information. This way, you can sell feet pictures with peace of mind.

Here’s a Trustpilot review of FeetFinder:

>>> Sign Up For FeetFinder <<<

Do I Have To Show My Face When Selling Feet Pics?

No, it’s not necessary to show your face when selling feet pictures.

While some sellers choose to show their faces, it’s not a requirement. Many successful sellers prefer to stay anonymous and do not show their faces, proving that you can achieve success in this field while maintaining your privacy.

Can I Stay Anonymous When Selling Feet Pics?

Yes, you can maintain anonymity while selling feet pics, especially when using a platform like FeetFinder. Most sellers prefer to stay anonymous, and FeetFinder makes it easy to do so. They handle all payments, which helps safeguard the sellers’ identities.

Choosing to sell through social media platforms like Instagram and accepting payments via PayPal or other tools can make preserving anonymity challenging. If buyers claim a scam or unauthorized charge with PayPal, your real name and address could potentially be exposed by PayPal.

Therefore, if a seller prioritizes staying anonymous, it’s highly recommended to sell feet pics through a dedicated platform like FeetFinder. They provide the tools and security measures to ensure your personal information stays private while you conduct business.

Who Buys Feet Pics?

Some websites might tell you that modeling companies or beauty shops buy feet pictures.

However, that’s usually not true.

Mostly, people who enjoy looking at feet (known as having a “foot fetish”) will buy your feet pictures. They find pleasure in viewing these images.

What Kind Of Feet Pics Sell Best?

The image above shows the most popular categories on FeetFinder.

The type of feet pictures that sell best can greatly depend on buyers’ unique preferences. Here are a few general tips that can guide your sales:

1. Well-Groomed Feet: Buyers typically favor clean, well-cared-for feet. Think regular pedicures, tidy and often painted toenails, and soft, moisturized skin.

2. High-Quality Images: Clear, high-resolution photos tend to sell better. Make sure your pictures are well composed and lit, showing off all the details.

3. Variety in Poses and Settings: Offer a variety of shots to catch buyers’ attention. This could mean pictures of your feet at the beach, with different shoes, or in artistic poses.

4. Custom Requests: Some buyers may ask for specific things, like a certain nail color, foot accessories (like anklets), or particular shoes.

Remember, you should always feel comfortable with the type of photos you’re taking and selling. Your safety and comfort should be your top priority.

Pros And Cons Of Selling Feet Pics:


  • Flexibility and convenience: Selling feet pictures allows you to work on your own schedule and from the comfort of your own home. You have the freedom to choose when and how much you want to work.
  • Financial independence: Selling feet pictures can be a way to generate additional income or even create a full-time source of revenue. It provides an opportunity to earn money independently, without relying on traditional employment or a fixed salary.
  • Low start-up costs: Unlike many other business ventures or creative endeavors, selling feet pictures typically requires minimal upfront investment. You can get started with just a smartphone camera or a basic camera setup, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals.
  • Potential for high earnings: Depending on the demand for your pictures and your ability to market them effectively, selling feet pictures can be quite lucrative. Some sellers have reported earning substantial amounts of money from their sales.


  • Potential stigma and judgment: Society’s attitudes towards unconventional forms of income, such as selling feet pictures, can vary. There is a possibility of facing judgment or stigma from others who may not understand or accept this type of work.
  • Safety concerns: It can be risky for sellers to handle payments directly and expose their personal information to buyers. Mishandling payments or sharing personal information can lead to potential dangers. 

>>> Get Started On FeetFinder <<<

Selling Feet Pics FAQ:

Is It Legal To Sell Feet Pics?

Yes, it’s generally legal to sell feet pics, as long as you’re an adult and you’re selling to adults. But don’t forget, you’ll need to pay taxes on any sales you make. However, laws can vary by location, so it’s essential to check the specific laws in your local area to make sure you’re following all rules and regulations.

Can You Sell Feet Pics If You Have Ugly Feet?

Yes, even if you think your feet are “ugly”, you can still sell feet pictures. There’s a specific market for all types of feet. People with a foot fetish may be attracted to a variety of feet appearances, including what some might consider “ugly”. So don’t let your perception of your feet hold you back from this opportunity.

Can Men Sell Feet Pics?

Yes, men can certainly sell feet pictures. There’s a considerable market for it, particularly among gay men who show interest in buying feet pics from other men. It’s a misconception that only women can participate in this business; men too can successfully sell their feet pics online.

>>> Try FeetFinder <<<